Virginio Nastri CB/2 Ac 8624

Thumb0-Virginio Nastri CB/2 Ac 8624 VG  99 Thumb1-Virginio Nastri CB/2 Ac 8624 VG  99 Thumb2-Virginio Nastri CB/2 Ac 8624 VG  99 Thumb3-Virginio Nastri CB/2 Ac 8624 VG  99

Technical Sheet

  • Code: Ac 8624
  • Brand:Virginio Nastri
  • Model:CB/2
  • Year:1999


Ladder Tape
Type of carpet: smooth with strips
Ribbon Length: 1600mm
Useful Ribbon Width: 320mm
Minimum Ribbon Height: 1000mm
Maximum Belt Height: 1100mm
Height of laths: 20mm
Passto Laths: 470mm
Strip length: 310mm